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     Like any other private school or private, nonprofit organization, AIE relies in part on
charitable contributions for our yearly budget; to provide tuition assistance for families
who need it; and to finance the building projects that help us to improve and enhance
our learning environment here. In order to limit demand on our families—and to keep
you from feeling pressured to give all year long—we have reduced our fundraising
appeals to four basic “asks,” each tailored to a specific group.

Give for Good

     The Louisville Community Foundation’s Give for Good Louisville is an annual event in
September, and AIE participates. You will see our posts about it on Instagram and
Facebook. We hope you will contribute if you are able, of course, but Give for Good is less about generating contributions from our families than it is about spreading 

word regarding who we are and what we do here at the Academy for Individual Excellence.

     Give for Good is an opportunity for us to reach out to our extended families and

circles of friends—the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and coaches in

your children’s lives, and the friends and coworkers you see every day—as
well as to anyone else who might be willing to donate to help us continue to grow and
better serve all the children in our care.

The Scholarship Auction and Dinner

     Our annual Scholarship auction is usually held on the first Saturday evening in November. This event brings together our school family, not just to raise money for the scholarship fund, but to enjoy some time together in fellowship and fun. Please think about how you might contribute to this important event in our school year. Can you donate items for the silent auction? Can you give to your child’s class basket, or donate to help purchase one of the“big ticket” items, trips or services that bring in big bids at the live auction?

    Of course, we hope you will come to school on auction night with your checkbook, ready to bid on one (or more) of those but there are many ways to help. If you want to learn more about what you can do, contact Teresa Savage in the school office or speak to the teacher in charge of your child’s class basket.

End of Year Giving

     We know that many families prefer to hold off on charitable giving until closer to the end of the year, when you have a better idea about what you can afford to give and what the tax implications will be. We hope that when December comes and you are making those decisions you will consider including AIE in your giving plan. We will always send a little reminder at that time.

Breakfast of Excellence

     The last big event of our fundraising year is the annual Breakfast of Excellence in the spring. We invite philanthropists, community leaders and others who are just learning about us and whom we believe could be in a position to help us with some of our major initiatives, and give them a closer look at our approach to God-centered, family-oriented Christian education. If you know anyone who you think might be a good fit for our Breakfast, please let us know so that we can reach out to them throughout the year prior to the event.

Proud recipient of grant support from


Contact Us

The Academy for Individual Excellence

3101 Bluebird Lane
Louisville, KY 40299
Phone: (502) 267-6187
Fax: (502) 261-9687

Website and Design by
Amelia Hagan. Class of 2023

Proud recipient of grant support from

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