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God created his children in three parts: body, mind and spirit. The God-centered design of AIE provides opportunities throughout the school year for students to develop all three.  


    AIE's interscholastic sports teams compete in leagues run by the Kentucky Christian Athletic Association. We field teams in coed varsity soccer (for students in grades 8-12); varsity and junior varsity volleyball; girls' and boys' varsity, junior varsity and middle school basketball; archery; cross-country; varsity baseball and varsity softball. 

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Senior Musical - Fall

     For 23 years, each AIE senior cIass has produced a musical and performed it for the student body and the public. In the last decade alone, AIE senior classes have performed ‘42nd Street,’ ‘Cinderella,’ ‘Beauty and the Beast,’ ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas,’ ‘The Addams Family,’ ‘Frozen,’ ‘High School Musical,’ and ‘Disney’s The Descendants.’

     All seniors are required to participate in some way. Whether it’s acting and singing on stage, helping backstage, running sound and lights, building sets, making props, sewing costumes, or designing and producing the posters and programs, everyone contributes something.

    In a letter to one of her teachers, a recent AIE graduate wrote, “The Senior Musical is one of the best memories I have from my senior year. Yes, it was stressful, but I felt it gave me a chance to really help and serve others.

     “The experience of working for a whole semester with the members of my class to prepare our production will stay with me my whole life. I loved getting to stay late after school and paint banners, work on songs with Mrs. Jackie, our music teacher, and have a laugh while trying to teach my choreography to my peers.

“It was awesome because it gave us all something to work on together and talk about together; it helped us to form real friendships with others we had not really gotten to know before.”


Dramatic Paws - Spring

     Dramatic Paws is AIE’s high school drama club, which is open to all students. The members of this group are responsible for an annual spring production. Because of the relatively small size of our high school student body, individuals often have the opportunity to participate in many aspects of a high school production, onstage and behind the scenes.

      Students working on the plays learn new skills and gain priceless memories, especially if they are able to be involved for several years. 


Seasonal Events

A recent graduate of AIE who was with us from Kindergarten
through High School recently wrote about her memories of life as
a member of the AIE family—including the special events that
give shape to the school year.

Fall Festival

“The Fall Festival is the first big event of the school year. It brings
together hundreds of students, teachers, families and friends to enjoy
games, food, face-painting, bouncy houses (and bouncy slides!), and
hayrides to our homemade petting zoo. Fall Festival gets not only the staff
and students together but the whole AIE community as well—including


Thanksgiving Lunch

“At AIE we close school on the day before Thanksgiving as well as on
the day after, so that we have more time to celebrate the holiday with our
We celebrate at school on Tuesday, with our Thanksgiving Lunch.
“This was one of my favorite events of the school year. As an
elementary student, I loved coloring a beautiful placemat, practicing
my ‘please-and-thank-yous’ and then going into the cafeteria with my
classmates to have a prayer with Mr. Savage and be served our meals by
the High School seniors. We all thought that was so cool! The lunch was
always amazing. It was cooked and brought in by the AIE families, and
there were dozens of moms, dads and grandparents on hand to make
sure everything went smoothly. I always wondered what it would be like to

be the parent who put whipped cream on 200 slices of pumpkin pie.
“When I was a senior, serving the younger kids was special because I knew from experience how much it meant to them to have me and the other seniors serve them. They were just as excited as I had been, and they were very polite.

They had practiced their ‘please-and-thank-yous’ too!”


Santa Breakfast

“Santa breakfast was probably my favorite activity to participate in all
year! When I was younger, I would wake up super early and couldn’t wait to
get to school to eat doughnuts, take a picture with Santa, get my face
painted, and shop for my family in our gym, which was turned into a big
shopping mall for Christmas presents. Each of us got to spend the morning
with a big brother or sister from the high school, who ate with us, went with
us to see Santa, and helped us do our Christmas shopping.
The decorated cafeteria and Christmas music playing in the background
gave me the best feeling. It got even better when I got into high school and
got to walk younger kids around to help them shop for their families and got
to see the joy on their faces when they saw Santa Claus.”

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Proud recipient of grant support from


Contact Us

The Academy for Individual Excellence

3101 Bluebird Lane
Louisville, KY 40299
Phone: (502) 267-6187
Fax: (502) 261-9687

Website and Design by
Amelia Hagan. Class of 2023

Proud recipient of grant support from

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